RDJ: I Lost 10 KGs in 1 Month!

I've been very eager to post this to the blog, but I held back with all willpower. The reason is simple: I don't want to jinx my diet! Yes, people! The main reason of me being so scarce on internet, blackberry messenger, whatsapp or LINE is this, mwahahahaha.

I'm personally satisfied with the result, but I don't plan to stop now. I know I still have around 30 kgs (60 lbs) to lose, and I've been trying harder to cut back the amount of food consumed and amp up the exercise. And don't worry, I actually consulted with a nutritionist so this diet I do is very, very healthy~

FYI, I start dieting on April 9th 2013. Here are my before and after photo:

End of March 2013: 90.1 kg
(just focus on the cheeks, if you will)

 May 2013: 80 kg
(lol it's like a deflated balloon)

My mom just woke up and she commented that she almost couldn't recognize me when she saw the picture. I mean, me too, man, me too. I look more Bataknese now than Chinese lololol. 

Somehow my own diet reminds me to a Pom dog. You know, when it's all fluffy and then the poor thing's bathed and the puffiness is flatted out and it reveals its true, skinny self.

I want to be that dog, oh, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

ANYWAY, this post is only meant to announce the new section of this blog: Romacchiato Diet Journal or RDJ! I'm guessing it'd be easy to remember cuz we all know and love this hunk:

(pic snatched from somewhere idk)

Although I hate him play as Tony Stark but that's not the main point of this journal.

Okay! On the next post I'll share my diet tips and secrets and everything I did to achieve the first step of MY own better life. Stay tuned! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~

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19 cups of coffee:

  1. I want to know you're secret! I need some of that magic too! haha! You look great! :-)

    1. I totally will! ;0; Worry not, my princess!

      However, since I'm extremely busy this week, I have to delay the secret post until this weekend (hopefully). But I'm posting diet-related stuff for me to keep me motivated. You may take a look at the new posts maybe? I did share one of the secrets already hahahaaaa.

  2. Whoaa! Hebaaat banget 1 month 10kgs? omg!! Aaak tell me your secreeet!!!! >w<

    1. I totally will! ;0; Worry not, my princess!

      However, since I'm extremely busy this week, I have to delay the secret post until this weekend (hopefully). But I'm posting diet-related stuff for me to keep me motivated. You may take a look at the new posts maybe? I did share one of the secrets already hahahaaaa.

  3. Romaa you are gorgeous!! Excited waiting your diet tips!

    1. Exciting to share with everyone, too! *v*

      Semoga aku bisa sekurus dirimu, beeeeb~~~

  4. wahh keren banget nih... rahasianya donk beb :D

    1. OKE SIP.

      Tapi tapiii kamu bukannya uda kurus saaaay :D

  5. RDJ alias Robert Downey Jr? >.< BTW aduuh mau dong ka rahasianyaa >.<

    1. Siiiiiiiiiiip. Tungguin agak tenang dulu yaaaa. Aku bakal tetulis menulis weekend ini hehe :)

  6. huaahhh.. 1bulan turun 10kg?? mauuu... gimana caranya?

    1. I totally will! ;0; Worry not, my princess!

      However, since I'm extremely busy this week, I have to delay the secret post until this weekend (hopefully). But I'm posting diet-related stuff for me to keep me motivated. You may take a look at the new posts maybe? I did share one of the secrets already hahahaaaa.

  7. 10 kg in 1 month. i dont think its healthy. the doctor said 1 or 2 kg in a month is ideal more than that, its unhealthy. but i'd love to hear your secret :)

    would you like to follow each other on gfc and bloglovin?
    Invite you to enter my giveaway to win eco bag and sativa bracelet :)
    visit my blog ^^

    1. Dont worry babe! I actually go to a dietitian/nutritionist, he's practically a doctor.

      It's okay for ME, and Ill tell you why later~

  8. Aaaahhh want it tooo!!! *envy
    I need to reduce my fat about 20kg :'(
    PLEASE!!! Just tell me ur secret..


    1. I totally will! ;0; Worry not, my princess!

      However, since I'm extremely busy this week, I have to delay the secret post until this weekend (hopefully). But I'm posting diet-related stuff for me to keep me motivated. You may take a look at the new posts maybe? I did share one of the secrets already hahahaaaa.

  9. Aku mau dong...
    perutku ini seperti orang hamil..


    1. Dulu aku juga say ^^;;

      Tapi jangan putus asa, yaaaa. Kalo aku bisa, kamu pasti bisa kok! >0<

      Sayangnya aku lagi sibuk bener minggu ini. Mungkin baru bisa terealisasi hari Sabtu ini yaaaa.

      Oia, aku juga post hal-hal yang menstimulasi kita (trutama sih diriku sendiri) utk terus pertahanin motivasi dietku. Ikutin aja update-annya ya saaaay :D

  10. Neiiikk..... Secretnya dong. Gw lagi stuck banget niiy berat badan. Huhuhuhu.... Need 20kg more to go!
