SHOPPING: Acne Cheap Thrills
I probably shouldn't complain about my acnes as much as I should, but honestly, honestly, they kind of maje me frustrated when the time of the month comes. For me, acnes are like a stubborn boyfriend whom I want to break up with, but keep coming despite how much I hate'em!
So here are the affordable acne products under IDR 100.000 ($10) that was effective to treat my acnes! 3 out of 5 can be bought everywhere around the globe (maybe) except Verile which belongs to our local company!
Verile Facial Wash
Price: IDR 14.000-18.000 / $13-17
Effectiveness: ★★★★★
One of the very few facial wash that has PH 5.5. It contains Tea Tree Oil, Vitamin E, and Triclosan. It doesn't dry nor hydrate your skin after washing, and it calms down angry acnes.The foam is so gentle and only leaves my face moisturized and smooth; unlike other facial wash that tends to leave a tight feeling after wash. The only problem I have with this one is the three kinds of parabens listed there (uh-oh!) But those three are listed the last, so I think it doesn't trigger some allergic reaction.
ZA Blemish Shoot Pore Treatment
Price: around IDR 85.000/$9
Effectiveness: ★★★★
I loved this product, it really saved me back when I had very angry, boil-like pimples. You just need to squeeze the clear lotion out onto the tip of the cotton bud, and dab it just right on top of the pimple head. There is a cool, tingling sensation when we apply it to the zits. What I dislike about this product is: 1) now it's discontinued 2) it's a hassle since we have to use a new, clean cottonbud to apply with for every pimple head. Cottonbuds aren't cheap you know! I believe this product has been replaced with Total Hydration Blemish Care from Total Hydration line.
Verile Acne Gel
Price: IDR 21.000 / $2.5
Effectiveness: ★★
I just used this one to calm my angry pimples. It's a just okay product to alternate with my ZA Blemish Pore Shoot Treatment. It smelled funky and it gives yet another cool, tingling sensation again to my skin. It's like spreading a UHU glue onto my pimples, seriously, lol.
Vitacid (Tretinoin/Retinoic Acid)
Price: around IDR 15.000-30.000/$1.8-3.5
Effectiveness: ★★★★
Long story short, this is a magical unicorn product which forces the skin to produce collagen like whoa; beat pimples out like a pulp, great anti-aging product and so on and so forth--lol--the reason why I don't want to bother writing stuff about Tretinoin/Retinoic Acid is that so many people have reviewed about this already. So I'll just direct you here, here and here. It works as a great anti-aging except for eye-areas and sides of the mouth and the nose. I would love this product more if it doesn't make my skin too sensitive and dry.
Price: around IDR 20.000-30.000/$2-3
Effectiveness: ★★★★
Stephanie Nangoi (diaryofaproductjunkie) was the one who introduced me to this product. It works great; it kills the bacteria that cause angry acnes and calms down the almost-explode zits. But it dries the skin on which it's applied (again, it has that cool and tingle-y sensation), so I have to be wise to choose the right moisturizer.
The other two cheap products I've tried throughout these years were: Ph Isohex Facial Foam (around IDR 20.000/$2.5) and Mujizat Sariayu Tolak Jerawat (IDR 17.000/$1.9). Unfortunately, those products are a miss for me, so I don't really recommend them to you guys (especially Ph Isohex blaaarrrrgghh). Though I've read reviews that Indonesians think Mujizat Sariayu Tolak Jerawat is a good product. Try it out, maybe it'll work for you! ETA: oh yeah, since quite a few asked me where I got these products; you can try Guardian, Century, you know, drugstores and even Carrefour and any hypermarkets! (Not Indomaret or Alfamidi).
So, what's your acne cheap thrills? Do share if you've got one!
kaa sumprit aku jijay-marijay sama kartunnyahh huhu
ReplyDeletetapi ini produk-nya murce semuah mau coba tretinoin ah~~
thanks for this supa-great post!!
Deletewkwkwkwkwk I actually had a good laugh at the drawing :D
Aaah--coba dibaca dulu itu baek2 satu demi satu artikelnya. Tretinoin termasuk obat keras soalnya.
Yup yup you're welcome.
Actually verille is the best choose
DeleteCannot agree with you more, hun~! I love the facial wash. Not really about the acne gel though :O
aq lebih suka pake bahan alami.. low risk, but it works.. tapi butuh waktu sih :)
DeleteIyap, betul sekali, Zy! :D Susahnya itu. Udah gitu nyiapinnya itu looooh hadeuh :(
gambarnya lucu banget! hahhahah XD
DeleteBikin geli yah :D
dulu aku pakai yg verile acne gel~ habis 1 tube hasilnya bagus..setelah itu entah kenapa berasa kayak ga ngefek lagi, jerawat ga ilang2 malah nambah :(
DeleteWah, di aku malah efeknya tuh... ngefek2 engga *lol*. Yang paling bagus beneran cuman facial washnya aja :o
lol to the pic! great review!=)
DeleteT^T I kinda feel the.... pimple... in the picture... ew.
#LOL I'm a big pimple up in NYC...
ReplyDeleteAlmost makes me spill my coffee...!!!
My latest Acne Spot Meds is Niacef it's around IDR 29.000 but kinda dries the area around the acne.
:O Uwaaa~~ I should try that! Where'd you get it? *u*
DeleteLocal drugstore Kimia Farma, K-24, you name it.
DeleteLOL at the illustration XD aku yg mukjizat tolak jerawat ga ngefek sih :s
ReplyDeletekapan2 pgn coba verille ^^
:D Cubalaaah~ One of my faves!
Deletesaya pakai Acne Lotion Purbasari, kandungannya sulfur. bagi saya sih cukup manjur. kalau di'totol' di calon jerawat pd malam hari/sehabis mandi sore, paling cepat bangun tidur keesokan harinya sudah mereda (tdk jadi tumbuh jerawatnya)