BEAUTY TALK: Is 'Beauty' the Main Requirement for A Beauty Blogger?
Good evening, my lovely coffee beans!
It's night-time here in Indonesia. I myself just finished dinner with my mum and just chilling in my room listening to Hillsong. To be honest, I've been trying to think how to write better topics on this blog, and somehow the segment 'Beauty Talk' has become a good choice for me.
This question has been asked by my beauty guru Vivawoman, but since she and I have different audience, I figured why not ask the same? *CLEAR THROAT*
Dear readers,
Does it bother you to know the reviews you read are written by a blogger with flawed skin?
Does it bother you to know that the reviews you read are written by a blogger with a so-so face?
Is beauty really the main requirement for a blogger to be called as, well, 'beauty blogger'?
These questions may sound like I am underestimating myself, or me feeling I might feel uncomfortable about myself as a beauty blogger, but I assure you, I am not :D I'm plainly curious about your view and your thoughts about how you value a blogger.
To be fair, I will also share you my thoughts.
I enjoy beauty, I love seeing pretty stuff. But I also enjoy reading elaborate and original piece of skincare treatments, because I'm currently trying hard to improve my skin too. Thus being said, I don't mind to try out the skincare tips or reviews from bloggers with flawed skin--not necessarily fancy those with porcelain doll-face. (Although I admit I enjoy reading those, too, hehehe).
What about you? Give me your two cents!
For the questions.. honestly I didn't bothered at all ^^
ReplyDeleteas long as the bloggers could explain well and give decent photos for the review :D everyone is able to share their thoughts.
for the last question.. i think that's not necessary.. we have own flaw, none is perfect :) as long as the person is confident enough posting her photo (I admit that I need much courage to show my face publicly at the first time xD) i think is good ^^
Oh oh~ Aku suka baca blog bukan cuma dilihat dari penulisnya flawless atau engga. Lol. Memang menikmati juga kalau yang ngeblog cantik <3 Tapi, justru dari yang flawed itulah aku, atau kita, bisa belajar. apalagi yang dari flawed -> flawless. Uh oh~ Jadi pingin tau juga gimana toh kok bisa gitu.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is i am flawed. LOL. Yah, aku juga berjuang kaya miss roma~ *chuuu* Apalagi akhir2 ini entah karena apa. Mungkin dari gaya hidup juga, mukaku breakout EVERYWHERE. T_T Ngga sekedar di pipi, dagu, bahkan pelipis dan jidat. T___T EMAaaaaaakkkkkk :____(
Huhu.... maap curcol di sini T_T
Semoga celoteh saya tidak mencemari tulisan indah di atas~ :v
Good nighty night~
Kalo aku sih ga masalah sama semuanya, heheh.. Disesuaikan sama kebutuhan info masing2 pembacanya aja. Pastinya kita cenderung nyari blogger yg jenis kulitnya mirip2 sama kita kan kalo mau cari review?
ReplyDeleteBlogger with so-so face? Malah suka bikin aku amazing sama transformasi before afternya, apalagi kalo (maaf) mau cari review foundie pasti aku cenderung lebih percaya sama yg kulitnya banyak kekurangan heheh..
Kalo aku sih sejujurnya ga terlalu masalah sama "penampakan"nya selama artikel nya enak dibaca dan aku suka sama style nulisnya... :D
Kan blogging bukan cuma majang muka dan foto2 doang, tapi juga gimana nulis yang enak dibaca orang. Makanya kadang aku suka tetep baca blog orang lain walaupun style makeupnya beda atau karakteristik kulitnya beda karena aku menikmati tulisannya ^^
How can we know how good is a product if it's only work on flawless skin? for example how could you tell a product really great at curing pimples if you don't have any? I like reading from bloggers with doll-face, not gonna deny it, I envy them. Every time I read those, this words will cross my mind "can I have skin like that? can I be that pretty?", those words is the power that encourage me to improve my skin condition. I used to wash my face with body bar soap, never use any face moisturizer, even if the sun shine brightly I didn't mind playing outside without any sunscreen nor sunblock. The flawless skin bloggers HAD change me. Nowadays I start to care about my face. Also learning from bloggers with flawed skin about how to deal with skin problems, how to put the right makeup to beautify the face, etc.
ReplyDelete*maap yak panjang bgt skalian curhat XD*
@Xiao Vee
ReplyDeleteCannot agree more, sister! :D
But then again, I'm happy to see that not all everyone is bothered by the bloggers' look and look more into the content~
Aaaaa, my favorite reader <3333
:( :( Kenapa toh neng? Kok malah mankin ancour? Pake Tretinoin aja gimana?
Hahah bener banget tuh. Biar liat seberapa mantep coverage-nya toh? :D
Bener bener bener. Tapi kadang2 jadi mikir kalo emang faktor cantik itu jadi pertimbangan sangat bagi pembaca ya. Kalo gw sih 50/50 hehehehehehh
Iyaaa bener. Mereka2 dengan kulit flawless itu bikin gemes yaaaaa.
Tapi asik deh kalo kita semua jadi terpacu utk maju :) *gajelas*
Kalau aku sih gak masalah ya, yang penting kan informasinya, messagenya. Mau orangnya gimana kalau cara penyampaiannya bagus and enak dibaca sih enjoy2 aja.
ReplyDeleteEmang sih kulit yang bagus itu kelebihan, tapi kalau tulisannya biasa aja ya...gimanaaaa gitu jadinya.. :)
Everything has its own plus and minus la.
Menurutku cantik itu relatif, yang ada tuh cewek yang merawat diri sama nggak. Kalau blogger itu wajahnya biasa-biasa aja tapi terlihat menarik (dalam hal ini bersih dan terawat) aku malah lebih suka. berarti dia memang expert dalam dunia kecantikan, bener-bener tahu mana yang bagus produknya, mana yang enggak. Justru orang-orang yang seperti itu yang bikin aku penasaran pengen ngikutin perjalanan beauty blognya, biar walaupun wajahnya biasa aja, tapi tetep enak dilihat. Err.. ngerti kan maksudnya? Bersih dan terawat nggak harus putih mulus dan lain sebagainya itu...