REVIEW: Innisfree Paddle Hairbrush

You might raise your brows and ask among themselves, o my lovely coffee beans. 

What's the deal with the hairbrush? But honestly, have you ever wondered what is the right brush for you? 

I did. So I searched for the the recommended hairbrush for me. The result? Well! For a person with thick, wavy and frizzy hair, internet suggested me to use a paddle hair-brush.

I could be a long-distant relative of Rapunzel's~

asked my homeroom student to pose her hand for me

it's wide and flat

Paddle brushes are great for longer hairstyles. Quoted from bellasugar: "It's wide, so we can use it to penetrate thick hair and provide for a gentle and stimulating scalp massage. It's flat, so it's best for creating smooth, sleek and shiny styles without lots of volume."

For me, it works as a wonderful tool to detangle my hair. Sometimes when I sleep without blowdrying it, it become frizzy and stiff in the morning. And the pins by the end of the brushtips, gives a very relaxing massage on my scalp. I think it's good for the blood-flow teehees :D 

I've actually been eyeing The Bodyshop's Paddle Hairbrush, but it costs me IDR 169,000 (around $17). When I eyed this product on PO list of Sakurablossomshop, I was surprised to find it at more than half-price! (Bought it only for IDR 62,000 or $7).

the packaging is so cute and earthy

peeking outta the box

End of my review! I hope you guys can be 'poisoned' and soon we have the same brush and make a brush club! That will be awesome HAHA!

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4 cups of coffee:

  1. Hmm I need to try to look into paddle brush then because I am using the wrong brush. HAHA

    1. @Madame Rosdiana
      LOL yeah for paddlebrush fever!!

      I'm addicted brushing with it hahahaha it's sooooo nice for my head! ;o;

  2. langsung beliiiii, yeay, makasih Romaa ^_^

    Rambutku susah diatur dan suka matahin sisir ._.

    1. @Tia
      Woo-hooo! Welcome to the brush-club, sista!!!

      Beli dimana? :D Ada di Guardian sisir sejenis ini. Tapi harganya, mak. Ratusan juga! X_x
